Google Play Store is the official store for all mobile devices that run on Android OS. Most of the Android devices come with the Google Play Store pre-installed, but there are still a good amount of devices that don’t have this store, at the same time, there are new Google Play Store versions released and if you don’t want to wait until you receive the update, you can just download the APK (installation) file of the latest Google Play Store version and install it on your Android device.
The latest Google Play Store version is 6.0.5 and it can be downloaded from the internet, this Google Play Store version comes with a new font and a new search button, which seems to match with the new design that the Android 6.0 Marshmallow comes with.
Installing Google Play Store 6.0.5 On Your Android Device
First of all, you will need to enable the “Unknown Sources” option from your device’s Settings->Security, this allows you to install APK (installation) files that you’ve downloaded from a third party source, after that, you will need to search for Google Play Store 6.0.5 APK file and download it from the internet.
HINT: Keep in mind that there are a lot of websites that host this APK file and not all of them are to be trusted, with other words, try to download it from a website that has received good feedbacks or else you might end up with a malware file on your Android device.
After downloading the Google Play Store 6.0.5 APK file on your Android device, go to the location where you’ve saved the file and tap on it to start the installation of the latest Google Play Store version on your mobile device.
Have you tested the Google Play Store 6.0.5 on your Android device? Tell us your thoughts about it!
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